You have questions & we have answers. Before taking any action, let’s connect. Albano Agency give you valuable free information such as price ranges, different neighborhoods/areas, connect you with industry professionals and help you plan your journey. Give us a call today at (845) 628-1000 or stop by our offices Monday thru Friday during business hours at 566 Route 6, Building #2, Mahopac NY 10541. You can also shoot us an email at [email protected], we are here to help!
There’s many different loan options but all of them will likely require some money, so its time bunker down & save up. Ideally we’d recommend to save around 15-20% of your ideal home budget, regardless if that’s the amount you plan to put down or not. There can be miscellaneous costs throughout the process such as attorney dues, closing costs & mortgage down payment. During this time, reduce the debts you can such as credit cards, as your debt-to-income ratio is a major deciding factor. You want to build your credit score to its max potential You can talk to a loan officer before applying to find out what budget range to plan for.
You’ve completed the hardest part! Now take a deep breathe and pat your self on the back as you’ve completed a major milestone. Now its time to see how much you’ll be pre-qualified for. This will dictate your top dollar when it comes to your home budget. We typically suggest working with an independent local loan officer as they can be easy to reach with a more personal connection. You can also check with your bank to see what offers they have in place. Check to see if you can afford the closing costs along with monthly payments, along with other important factors such as monthly payments and loan term such as 15-year or 30-year.
The best part is finally here, let’s make your dream come true! Follow up with us to start your search. Our team will review your pre-approval, go over your preferences, establish a set of expectations, build out a smart search criteria helping everyone catch the perfect place at the right time. Its important to act swiftly, communicate clearly & remain optimistic during the process. There will be times of ups and downs, but its all a normal part of the journey. We will guide you through the process with outstanding care and attention. You will always have direct access to us through your preferred method of communication, 100% of the time.
Office: (845) 628-1000 | Fax: (845) 628-7421
Email: [email protected]
566 Route 6, Building #2, Mahopac NY 10541